Sweat Free Houston

Working to make the City of Houston sweatshop free.

Posts Tagged ‘SweatFree history

Support SweatFree Communities

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Hey folks, SweatFree Communities are an awesome non-profit that has been kicking butt for seven years. SweatFree Communities facilitates the sharing of resources and information and is at the forefront of the national sweatfree movement.  They have held four national conferences and support and coordinate dozens of local sweatfree purchasing campaigns. They link those campaigns to workers who are organizing to improve their conditions.

Right now they’re in the midst of organizing a worker tour. Read more about that here. Sweat Free Houston’s campaign is staying a float so far because we’re volunteers working out of our houses and because of our successful benefit show that will keep us going awhile. But SweatFree Communities could use your support. They have full time employees and times are tough in this economy. Become a sustainer for as little $20 a month. Click here to donate. You’ll be glad you did!